Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Roast Chicken with Balsamic Bell Peppers

The roast chicken recipe was a little harder than the others, especially since I was trying to time it with marscarpone mashed potatoes. I couldn't find a link for the marscarpone pototoes to share with you, but it basically just called for yukon gold pototaoes with milk and marscarpone cheese. The potatoes took a lot longer to cook than I expected, so that threw me off a bit. In the end (about 2 hours later I think??) everything came together and tasted great! I would definitely recommend this one if you like bell peppers.

1 comment:

  1. Timing always gets me too. I'm definitely not as coordinated in the professionals in the kitchen, so it's something I'm still working on!

    I'm sure Tom is loving this new found domesticity!
